Recycle Recover Re-use

Waenga solutions provides an array of solutions related to water, energy and materials – with a focus on waste recovery – to promote the transition toward a circular economy. We designs and delivers services that are vital to human development and sustainable performance through three complementary business activities: Waste management, Energy services and Water management.

The company provides innovative, sustainable solutions to improve everyday lives and protect future resources. We provide complete audit-to-operation-approach solutions for Waste Water Management and Energy production which includes Feasibility study, Sizing, Design, Supply of equipment, Installation/Erection, Testing, Training, Operation and Maintenance, thereby proactively reducing the Carbon Footprint while harnessing the immense potential of abundantly available bio resources in an eco-friendly and in an economical method

We are a dedicated and innovative solution provider in the technological domains of Organic Waste Converters, Solid waste management & Energy from waste in the form of gas.

Organic Waste Converters G - 125 DSR

Organic Waste Converters are India’s First Automatic and Most Compact Machines.With more than 350 installations combined in Maharashtra & Karnataka our machine is making a difference to the way Organic Waste is handled

Organic Waste Converters G - 1250

Fully Automatic Composts all types of food Composting in about 2-3 days Low Noise Nil Labour/ process handling 80-90% volume reduction Remove compost once in 10 days


The consistent use of waste means enormous savings for us Biogas is one of the key renewable energy sources, produced by the anaerobic degradation (or fermentation) of biodegradable materials such as food waste, garden waste, energy crop waste, cow dung, chicken shit, industrial wastes, sewage sludge, and municipal waste

Organic Waste Converters and Bio-Gas Plants

We are the Manufacturers and suppliers of Fully Automatic Organic Waste Converters and Bio-gas plant. We provide Decentralized Waste Management Solution.We treat the Organic Waste. 80-90% Volume Reduction.

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